PetsMatter Newsletter September/October, 2012
Newsletter PetsMatter Newsletter September/October, 2012 Open Wide, Fido and Tabby! Earlier this year, Matt Jackson noticed that Henry, his 6-year- old beagle, had been having “unusually stinky” breath for several weeks. So when the Long Beach, Calif., resident took Henry to his annual checkup with his veterinarian, he mentioned the bad breath. Bad breath was a sign of an acute problem in Henry’s case, but it can also be an indicator of more progressive dental issues, like periodontal [...]
PetsMatter Newsletter July/August, 2012
Newsletter PetsMatter Newsletter July/August, 2012 Dogs Help People Find Cures for Cancer Few dog owners will dispute that dogs are, in fact, “man’s best friend.” For most, they’re even family. And now they’re an important key to helping find cures for cancer in humans, as comparative oncology seeks to find treatments for cancer in humans through research with dogs diagnosed with cancer. o “right” diet. Just like us, our pets’ diets need to be tailored to their particular life [...]
PetsMatter Newsletter May/June, 2012
Newsletter PetsMatter Newsletter May/June, 2012 Ticks Don’t Jump, They Climb It’s always important to be on the lookout for ticks on your dog or cat, especially in the summer months when you and your pets are more active outside. Learn more about these parasites and why it’s important to keep your furry friends tick-free. Adult Cats in Shelters—Give Them Hope If you have ever been to an animal shelter, you have probably seen a sad sight: dozens of adult [...]
PetsMatter Newsletter Mar/Apr, 2012
Newsletter PetsMatter Newsletter Mar/Apr, 2012 When It Comes to Stopping Animal Cruelty, It’s Good to Be Nosy Hitting defenseless animals, keeping them chained without exercise or leaving them exposed in severe weather all count as abuse. Mistreating animals can (and often does) escalate into domestic assault. Dial 911 if you suspect abuse. Police will respond. You can choose to remain anonymous, or by identifying yourself, you can help in future prosecution. Before This Little Piggy Comes Home 4 things [...]
PetsMatter Newsletter Jan-Feb, 2012
Newsletter PetsMatter Newsletter Jan-Feb, 2012 Your Pet and Human Drugs Thinking about giving your pet an aspirin to ease its pain? Think again! Human painkillers including ibuprofen, aspirin and acetaminophen can be dangerous and even deadly to animals. Though acetaminophen can ease a human tension headache, one tablet of 500 mg extra strength acetaminophen can kill a 7-pound cat. Human medications are not designed for the animal body, and can have deadly effects when given to pets. Veterinarians can [...]
PetsMatter Newsletter Nov-Dec, 2011
Newsletter PetsMatter Newsletter Nov-Dec, 2011 Is Your Pet at Risk for an Iron Disorder? Iron plays a vital role in a large number of metabolic pathways in almost every living organism, and in animals either too much or too little iron can have dire consequences. I Can Get What From My Pet?!? Most people know that wild animals can give rabies to people, but what they may not realize is that pets like cats, dogs and birds can pass [...]
PetsMatter Newsletter Sept-Oct, 2011
Newsletter PetsMatter Newsletter Sept-Oct, 2011 Hunting, Hiking and Heartworm Are you certain that your dog is protected from heartworm this season? Although heartworm prevention techniques, including mosquito avoidance and drugs that kill heartworm larvae, have been recommended for years, the number of dogs diagnosed with heartworm continues to increase. One factor that contributes to the persistence of this preventable disease is “prophylactic failure,” which means that animals develop the disease even though they received a prophylactic drug to prevent heartworm for at least [...]
PetsMatter Newsletter July-Aug, 2011
Newsletter PetsMatter Newsletter July-Aug, 2011 No Pets Allowed: Renting with Pets It’s the season of moving to new homes, looking for apartments and signing new leases. For people looking for a rental property that allows pets, however, the task is particularly challenging — many landlords have “no pets” policies or pet restrictions. For tips on finding a perfect home for you and your pet, read on. Summer Safety: Dogs, Kids and Water A favorite summer pastime for many of [...]
PetsMatter Newsletter May-June, 2011
Newsletter PetsMatter Newsletter May-June, 2011 Don’t Forget Fido When Treating Your Yard As summertime approaches and people begin to think about bringing color back to their lawns, I find myself reminding clients, “When landscaping your yard, please remember that animals are sensitive to topical parasiticides and weed killers.” Then, they always follow up with the question about what kinds of pet-friendly sprays they can put on their yard to keep away weeds, fleas, ticks and other pests. Can Pets Predict [...]
PetsMatter Newsletter Mar-Apr, 2011
Newsletter PetsMatter Newsletter Mar-Apr, 2011 Expert Explores Unexplained Animal Behavior Why do animals yawn? Why do cats eat grass? Why do they purr? And why on earth does my pet eat poop? Benjamin Hart, DVM, PhD, DACVB, and distinguished professor emeritus at the University of California – Davis, addressed some of the more inexplicable behaviors of companion animals in his talk at the American Veterinary Medical Association’s (AVMA) conference this year: “Why do they do that? Purring, yawning, flipping out on catnip, [...]
PetsMatter Newsletter Nov-Dec, 2010
Newsletter PetsMatter Newsletter Nov-Dec, 2010 Why Is My Cat Coughing? Does your cat cough frequently? Don’t dismiss it as a harmless hairball — something else could be wrong. Many causes of cats coughing are easily treatable; however, if left alone, they can cause lung damage. Read on to learn the signs and symptoms, and what to do if your kitty is coughing. Diabetes Month Heightens Awareness Human diabetes is viewed by many as a national epidemic, and November has [...]
PetsMatter Newsletter Sept-Oct, 2010
Newsletter PetsMatter Newsletter Sept-Oct, 2010 Signs of an Animal Hoarder Animal hoarders can be overwhelmed caregivers, rescuers or sociopaths. Go inside their minds and learn what to do if you suspect hoarding. Just how long Barbara Onderdonk had been hoarding Shetland sheepdogs is unknown. What is known is that she stored dogs like throwaway clothing in her garage in Buncombe County, N.C., and that ultimately, it was someone from her local animal hospital who turned her in. Improve Your Chances of [...]