
Healthy Pets

Top 5 Pet Hazards To Watch Out For This Christmas Holiday

Christmas is undoubtedly the most wonderful time of the year; the colorful lights, the jolly decorations, the presents and having the people you love around you surely make it [...]

Top 5 Pet Hazards To Watch Out For This Christmas Holiday2019-12-03T21:19:56+00:00

Dietary Changes For Dogs In The Cold Season

With the cold season just around the corner, dog owners are wondering about the optimal diet for their four-legged friends. Should they feed them a similar quantity of food [...]

Dietary Changes For Dogs In The Cold Season2019-12-03T21:19:05+00:00

Tips For Bathing Your Dog

It’s time for your dog to have a bath time it’s just a matter of taking him through a proper bathing technique. If your dog is a novice, you [...]

Tips For Bathing Your Dog2019-07-23T03:08:18+00:00

Tick Prevention

Ticks can live in almost any outdoor environment, but they especially love tall grasses and shrubs. Those areas are great for hitching a ride with your [...]

Tick Prevention2020-12-08T17:32:52+00:00

Table to Bowl

A dog is a cherished part of the family. They entertain us with their wacky antics, nurture us with their judgment-free adoration, and compel us to get up and [...]

Table to Bowl2019-07-23T03:08:18+00:00

Spring Health Tips

Dogs tend to love spring because they get to spend more time outdoors. After being cooped up during the winter it is a joy for them to be able [...]

Spring Health Tips2019-07-23T03:08:17+00:00

Safety Tips for the Holidays

Lights, decorations, good food… every year, as we celebrate the holidays, we fill our homes with seasonal cheer for ourselves and our families. However, what may seem beautiful and [...]

Safety Tips for the Holidays2019-07-23T03:08:09+00:00

Reasons to Spay or Neuter Your Pet

Whether you’ve recently adopted a pet or you’re considering it, one of the most important health decisions you’ll make is to spay or neuter your cat or dog. It [...]

Reasons to Spay or Neuter Your Pet2019-07-23T03:08:09+00:00

Protecting your cat or dog against flea infestation

Although you might not think it could happen to your pet, flea infestation is a common problem that can become a real nightmare if not properly treated and controlled. [...]

Protecting your cat or dog against flea infestation2019-07-23T03:08:09+00:00

Pet Owner Best Practices

Being a good pet parent is an important responsibility. Here are some tips to help your pet have a long, healthy life. Spaying or neutering your [...]

Pet Owner Best Practices2020-03-20T05:52:36+00:00

Pet Emergency Kit

Since you never know when an accident will happen, keeping a pet emergency kit at your home is a good idea. You can put a first aid kit together [...]

Pet Emergency Kit2019-07-23T03:08:08+00:00

Oral Care For Your Pet

There are more benefits to a healthy smile than looking good and smelling fresh. Regular brushing can help prevent disease, infection, and tooth loss. All of these benefits are [...]

Oral Care For Your Pet2019-07-23T03:08:08+00:00

Is chocolate poisonous to dogs?

For dogs, a chemical in chocolate called theobromine is the source of the problem. Theobromine is similar to caffeine. Theobromine is toxic to a dog when it ingests between [...]

Is chocolate poisonous to dogs?2019-07-23T03:08:07+00:00

How To Puppy Proof Your Home

Exploring the new surroundings of your home is one of the first things your new puppy will do when he arrives. When you see your home through his eyes, [...]

How To Puppy Proof Your Home2019-07-23T03:08:06+00:00

How to keep your dog healthy

In the last 50 years or so, the health of domestic dogs has declined dramatically. Dogs are getting serious diseases at younger ages and are living shorter lives. Clearly, [...]

How to keep your dog healthy2019-07-23T03:08:06+00:00

Giving Medications at Home

Giving medication to your pet can be not so easy. Here are some tips to make things easier for everyone. First, try hiding the medication in [...]

Giving Medications at Home2021-08-30T18:02:12+00:00

Four Steps to a Healthy Adult Dog

How to make sure your dog attains his ideal weight and maintains a healthy weight for life. Track your dog’s weight Losing weight can propel your dog toward better [...]

Four Steps to a Healthy Adult Dog2019-07-23T03:08:05+00:00

Foods You Should Never Feed Your Cat

Some food that your cat should never eat: Raw Fish Human-grade sushi is generally safe for people, but it can cause gastrointestinal upset in cats, There is thiaminase in [...]

Foods You Should Never Feed Your Cat2019-07-23T03:08:04+00:00

Douglas Before and After Grooming

Does your canine companion deserve a pick me up? A bath and fresh new haircut may be just what your furry friend needs! Bathing and grooming are really important for [...]

Douglas Before and After Grooming2019-07-23T03:07:55+00:00

Did jerky treats make your dog or cat sick? Tell the FDA

A mysterious jerky treat-related illness that has killed more than 500 dogs and cats and sickened thousands more has prompted to U.S. Food and Drug Administration to request the [...]

Did jerky treats make your dog or cat sick? Tell the FDA2019-07-23T03:07:54+00:00

Chocolate Toxicity in Cats?

Cats, and especially kittens, are known for eating things they are not supposed to. This can be a dangerous combination when there is chocolate around. Chocolate is derived from [...]

Chocolate Toxicity in Cats?2019-07-23T03:07:54+00:00

Caring for your pet

Being a responsible pet owner is understanding what your pet needs and also being aware of what your responsibilities are to the community. Following are some basic rules for [...]

Caring for your pet2019-07-23T03:07:54+00:00
  • Care for Adopted Pet

Caring for an Adopted Pet

You have adopted a new pet…congratulations! Get your new pet started off on the right paw with these basic behavioral and health care pointers: Be gentle and patient Animals [...]

Caring for an Adopted Pet2019-07-23T03:07:53+00:00

Active Indoor Cat

Want your cat to explore their wild side without destroying your house? Try some of these suggestions to help keep your ferocious feline happy and healthy: [...]

Active Indoor Cat2020-03-20T05:49:21+00:00
  • promotion-grooming-services

20% Off Grooming Services

Do you dread giving your dog or cat a bath? Are they clumpy and in need of a hair cut? Or maybe they just need some regular styling. Our grooming [...]

20% Off Grooming Services2019-07-23T03:07:52+00:00

Allergies in Dogs

Do you think your canine companion has an allergy? Find out what kind of allergies dogs can have and how you can treat them. What is an allergy? An allergy is a state of over-reactivity [...]

Allergies in Dogs2019-07-23T03:07:52+00:00

Dog Nail Trimming

 It’s possible to trim nails without you or your pet being stressed out. The trick to getting them comfortable with the idea is to introduce things [...]

Dog Nail Trimming2020-03-20T05:39:22+00:00

Understanding The Inflammatory Bowel Disorder In Cats

Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) in cats is a disorder that results from sections of the gastrointestinal tract having inflammatory cells. With time, the inflammation results in the intestines becoming [...]

Understanding The Inflammatory Bowel Disorder In Cats2019-07-23T03:07:52+00:00

Is Your Cat Suffering From Feline Urinary Problems?

If your cat suffers from problems with the urinary tract, you know how uncomfortable and inconvenient it can be for both you and your feline. Fortunately, research has brought [...]

Is Your Cat Suffering From Feline Urinary Problems?2019-07-23T03:07:51+00:00

Summer Heat Risks

Hot summer days with your pet can be a lot of fun, but our four legged friends can be put in some pretty unpleasant and even [...]

Summer Heat Risks2020-03-20T05:43:19+00:00

Cat Nail Trimming

With a little time and patience, it’s possible to trim nails without you or your pet being stressed out. The trick to getting them comfortable with the [...]

Cat Nail Trimming2020-12-08T17:31:07+00:00

Separation Anxiety in Dogs

When you leave or return to the house, try to keep things as low key as possible - If you make greetings and goodbyes a big deal, [...]

Separation Anxiety in Dogs2020-12-08T17:29:35+00:00

Year-Round Heartworm Prevention

The American Heartworm Society recommends that you get your pet tested every 12 months for heartworms and give your pet heartworm preventive 12 months a year. [...]

Year-Round Heartworm Prevention2020-03-20T05:23:41+00:00

Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency in Dogs and Cats

Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (EPI) happens when the pancreas is unable to produce enzymes that help with digestion. Both dogs and cats are susceptible to the condition and often experience diarrhea, weight [...]

Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency in Dogs and Cats2019-07-23T03:07:42+00:00

Feline Nutrition 101 – The Basics of Feeding Your Cat

While our cats may not like to admit it, with their independent streak and all, they rely on us to make all the decisions regarding their diet. Here’s a [...]

Feline Nutrition 101 – The Basics of Feeding Your Cat2019-07-23T03:07:41+00:00

5 Keys to Decoding Your Cat’s Body Language

Feline communication is largely nonverbal, although from time to time cats may use special noises — like howls, chirps, growls, hisses and meows — to get their point across. In various [...]

5 Keys to Decoding Your Cat’s Body Language2019-07-23T03:07:41+00:00

Motion Sickness in Dogs

A car ride! A car ride! A car ride! For most dogs it’s the greatest thing since the cookie. But a dog can get motion sickness just like people do, which [...]

Motion Sickness in Dogs2019-07-23T03:07:41+00:00

Corneal Ulcers

The clear front covering of the eye, known as the cornea, is a delicate structure. As such, corneal ulcers can result from trauma to the eye or one of [...]

Corneal Ulcers2019-07-23T03:07:40+00:00

Liver Shunts in Pets: Warning Signs, Treatments and Breeds Most at Risk

The liver is one of the largest and hardest-working organs in the body. It’s the body’s version of the consummate multitasker. Among the liver’s many functions are: filtration of [...]

Liver Shunts in Pets: Warning Signs, Treatments and Breeds Most at Risk2019-07-23T03:07:39+00:00

Dog Swimming Safety Tips

They didn't coin the term "doggy paddle" because canines stay on shore. Many dogs enjoy swimming as much as people do, and cool times in the local swimming spot are [...]

Dog Swimming Safety Tips2019-07-23T03:07:39+00:00

Wellness Testing

One of the trickiest things about being a good pet parent is knowing when your furry friend needs medical care. Sometimes it’s obvious, but other times [...]

Wellness Testing2020-03-20T05:16:22+00:00

Why Don’t Cats Come When Called?

It is relatively easy to train a dog to come to you when you call his name, but cats, as usual, are a different story. What is the difference? The evolutionary records show that dogs [...]

Why Don’t Cats Come When Called?2019-07-23T03:07:38+00:00

How to Help a Dog With Separation Anxiety

Have you ever come home from work to find that your dog has chewed a hole in the door, pooped in the house or, according to the neighbors, barked [...]

How to Help a Dog With Separation Anxiety2019-07-23T03:07:38+00:00

Declaw Surgery for Cats

Scratching is a natural cat behavior, but it can be destructive in a household. Declaw surgery generally involves the removal of all or a portion of the last bone in each [...]

Declaw Surgery for Cats2019-07-23T03:07:38+00:00

Periodontal Disease

Bad breath is a symptom of periodontal disease. Periodontal disease is when bacteria gets beneath the gums, destroying tissue surrounding the teeth. If left untreated, your pet [...]

Periodontal Disease2020-12-08T17:35:16+00:00

Atopy – An Allergic Skin Reaction

You want your pet to look good and feel good. But if he’s suffering from atopy — an allergic skin reaction – neither is the case. The itching can make [...]

Atopy – An Allergic Skin Reaction2019-07-23T03:07:37+00:00

Top 10 Warning Signs of Cancer in Pets

Some of these signs, such as weight loss and bad breath, may be indicative of cancer or they may signify other health problems. Regardless, they should always prompt a discussion with your [...]

Top 10 Warning Signs of Cancer in Pets2019-07-23T03:07:36+00:00

Why Does My Cat Knock Everything Off My Desk?

As numerous hilarious Internet videos show, our cats seem to love to knock things off high places. Why do they engage in this funny — but also sometimes annoying or even [...]

Why Does My Cat Knock Everything Off My Desk?2019-07-23T03:07:35+00:00

Aromatherapy: Relaxation or Torment for Pets?

Many of us love the smell of lavender, cinnamon or jasmine, but what about our pets? Aromatherapy has been touted to reduce anxiety, enhance energy and induce relaxation in [...]

Aromatherapy: Relaxation or Torment for Pets?2019-07-23T03:07:35+00:00

Helpful Tips for Living With a Pet Who Is Deaf or Hearing-Impaired

One of the sweetest things about my profession as a veterinarian is the opportunity to see the love shared between people and pets. What’s even more special is seeing [...]

Helpful Tips for Living With a Pet Who Is Deaf or Hearing-Impaired2019-07-23T03:07:27+00:00

Feline Pneumonia: What you need to know

​​​​Is your cat coughing, wheezing and producing nasty-looking snot from her nose? It’s not a run-of-the-mill cold as we might think of it. Cats can be prone to respiratory [...]

Feline Pneumonia: What you need to know2019-07-23T03:07:26+00:00

Holiday Tips: Help Kids and Pets Play Together Safely

The holidays are here, with visitors and house guests coming and going — and that means an increased likelihood that your dog will be around unfamiliar people, particularly children. When my [...]

Holiday Tips: Help Kids and Pets Play Together Safely2019-07-23T03:07:25+00:00

Keeping Your Pet at a Healthy Weight

A roly-poly puppy or chubby kitten might look cute, but carrying extra fat can endanger your pet’s health. Here’s how to keep your pet’s weight in check. Why You Should Watch [...]

Keeping Your Pet at a Healthy Weight2019-07-23T03:07:25+00:00

Be Aware of Holiday Hazards for Your Pet

The holidays can be a stressful time of the year - especially for pets. With a few small changes, you can ensure your decorations remain intact [...]

Be Aware of Holiday Hazards for Your Pet2020-03-20T05:07:34+00:00

Healthy Weight for Your Best Friend

Keeping your best friends at a healthy weight is important. Check out how we can help you with dietary counseling.

Healthy Weight for Your Best Friend2019-07-23T03:07:24+00:00

7 Trainer-Approved Puppy Housebreaking Tips

Patience is key when it comes to housebreaking because every pup will pick up the process at his own pace. Q. We're bringing home a new puppy. Do you [...]

7 Trainer-Approved Puppy Housebreaking Tips2019-07-23T03:07:24+00:00

My Dog Won’t Stop Eating Grass. What’s Going On?

Who hasn’t wondered, “Why does my pet eat grass?” The truth is there isn’t one clear reason. What we do know is that eating small amounts of grass can [...]

My Dog Won’t Stop Eating Grass. What’s Going On?2019-07-23T03:07:24+00:00

Microchipping Your Pet

If your pet becomes lost, being microchipped can be the difference between being reunited and a very unhappy ending. We strongly encourage every pet owner to [...]

Microchipping Your Pet2020-03-20T22:46:09+00:00

Cat Exercise: Keeping Your Kitty in Good Shape

While most cats will never learn to run on a treadmill, no matter how much catnip you offer, almost all cats do benefit greatly from some form of regular [...]

Cat Exercise: Keeping Your Kitty in Good Shape2019-07-23T03:07:23+00:00

Why Grooming Your Dog Is Great for His Health

Contrary to what pet salons advertise, dog grooming isn't a canine luxury. It's a necessity, and it doesn't have to break the bank.  Make your appointment today. Keeping your pet well [...]

Why Grooming Your Dog Is Great for His Health2019-07-23T03:07:23+00:00

Understanding Why Your Dog Barks

A dog can bark for many reasons — to defend his territory, signal a stranger, get attention, say hello, express discomfort or frustration, and more. Understanding why a dog [...]

Understanding Why Your Dog Barks2019-07-23T03:07:21+00:00

How To Give Your Cat Liquid Medicine

Giving a cat his medicine is rarely easy, but knowing the proper procedure and what to expect can make the process more pleasant—for you and your cat. Find out more [...]

How To Give Your Cat Liquid Medicine2019-07-23T03:07:21+00:00

Brushing Your Dog’s Teeth Doesn’t Have to Be Difficult

Is brushing your dog's teeth something you and your dog don't look forward to? We want to help you! Brushing doesn’t have to be a battle. [...]

Brushing Your Dog’s Teeth Doesn’t Have to Be Difficult2020-03-20T04:01:24+00:00

Keeping Your Pup In Good Shape

Regular exercise can have a tremendous impact on your pups overall well-being! Find out how we can help here! Daily walks, jogs, or play sessions can pay huge dividends [...]

Keeping Your Pup In Good Shape2019-07-23T03:07:09+00:00

Puppy Basics 101 – How to Care for Your New Dog

Puppies are without a doubt some of the most adorable things on the planet. Parenting a new puppy, however, is no walk in the park. Here’s a guide to [...]

Puppy Basics 101 – How to Care for Your New Dog2019-07-23T03:07:09+00:00

Dog Vaccine Recommendations

“What vaccines should my dog get?” This is a question veterinarian’s hear on a fairly regular basis. Find out how we can help! Because of advances in science and [...]

Dog Vaccine Recommendations2019-07-23T03:07:08+00:00

Adverse Reactions to Food in Cats

Do you think your feline friend is having an adverse reaction to their food? Find out what to look for and what you can do to help here! I’m [...]

Adverse Reactions to Food in Cats2019-07-23T03:07:08+00:00

Ehrlichiosis: What You Should Know About This Tick-Borne Disease

Ticks can cause trouble for your furry feline and canine companions! Find out what you should know about them here! Ticks are trouble! We all know that they spread the [...]

Ehrlichiosis: What You Should Know About This Tick-Borne Disease2019-07-23T03:07:07+00:00

7 Common Health Problems in Senior Cats

We know how important your senior feline companion can be to you. Find out some common health problems to watch for in your mature feline friend here! One of the [...]

7 Common Health Problems in Senior Cats2019-07-23T03:07:07+00:00

Grooming Your Cat

Keeping your cat's haircoat healthy is very important. Find out how you should groom your cat and how we can help! Regular brushing can help keep your cat’s skin and [...]

Grooming Your Cat2019-07-23T03:07:06+00:00

5 Most Common Myths About Pet Grooming

There are many myths when it comes to pet grooming, so knowing the right way to brush and bathe your dog or cat can be a little confusing. Find out more about grooming and [...]

5 Most Common Myths About Pet Grooming2019-07-23T03:07:06+00:00

The Rice and Fall of Diarrhea

Does your pet have an upset tummy? Find out why we recommend a homemade bland diet of rice and chicken for your furry friend! When your pet comes in for upset [...]

The Rice and Fall of Diarrhea2019-07-23T03:07:05+00:00

Grooming and Coat Care for Your Dog

Does your canine companion have a healthy and shiny coat? Find out how often you should be grooming your furry friend and how we can help here! The general [...]

Grooming and Coat Care for Your Dog2019-07-23T03:07:04+00:00
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